

April 1, 2024 | Jake Each

The gospel is good news! So, what are the beliefs that we hold proudly?

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What Does Church Membership Mean?

March 18, 2024 | Matt Hoffert

When it comes to holiness, we want our members to commit to pursuing closeness to God relationally and to honor God in all of life. Members will be challenged to fight sin, encouraged to stay close to Jesus, and pursue spiritual growth.

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Baptism: Expressed Unity

March 4, 2024 | Ian Crosby

Rings are an expression of unity for a married couple. And baptism is an expression of unity for the Christian.

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Mission Hill

February 19, 2024 | Jake Each

The days are evil. And the days are limited. But the news is good and the mission is clear. Examine carefully how you are living. Are you on the Great Commission? Let’s make the best use of our time to live within a greater purpose, God’s purpose.

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What is the Gospel?

February 5, 2024 | Sam Anderson

The beginning of the good news of the Bible is that we are made to be in right relationship with God. However, the bad news of the Bible is that we have no way to accomplish this on our own.

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The Importance of Journaling

January 22, 2024 | Richard Marsceau

The core of the Christian experience is centered on the Bible and who the Bible is written about: God. The scriptures are a record of the events, actions, thoughts, and instructions for our human existence; all 66 books, authored by human hands that moved at the will of our God. In this sense, the Bible is a journal, THE journal for us to read, reflect, and respond to.

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