
Sharing the Gospel with Others

July 28, 2021 | Richard Marsceau

I serve the King who has a plan that is beyond my understanding. My role is to love people, and love them enough to want to share the hope of reconciliation that is possible with their Creator through the stunning work of Christ on the cross. Let’s serve with joy the King who places us around his planet to live, and who commissions us to take his message to a broken world.

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Church: The Good, the Bad, and the Beautiful

June 30, 2021 | Jake Each

What comes to mind when you hear someone say “church”? We all have had experiences that shape our attitude and influence our perspective, whether they are joyful, tearful, or somewhere in between. But beyond our personal experience, do we really know what God’s intention is for the church? Do we understand its design and objectives? In order to endure the certain struggles of being part of the church body, we must have a clear vision of God’s great purpose for the church.

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What does the Bible say about Divorce and Remarriage?

June 1, 2021 | Matthew Morken

Statistical data about divorce is difficult to study. So many couples, infatuated with each other and excited take the plunge into marriage, do so with little or no preparation for what is to come. Even those of us who are called Christians statistically seem to have the exact same issue as our society has when it comes to divorce. In order to discuss divorce well, we need to understand what marriage is.

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The Idolatry of “Love Your Neighbor”

April 19, 2021 | Jake Each

The idea of “love your neighbor” is popular in our culture, it’s trendy to help the poor and confront injustice, and we should rejoice in that. It is, after all, the second greatest commandment. But that commandment carried out without the priority of God is idolatry.

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The Importance of Discernment

March 15, 2021 | Michael Rhodes

“Come, Lord Jesus!” That’s not only the final cry of John in Revelation 22:20, but it’s the cry of so many Christians as they encounter the brokenness of the world on a daily basis. If we could be with Jesus more quickly, everything would be better. Until that happens, this life is one that must be lived by faith.

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The Bible: Reliable and Authoritative

January 18, 2021 | Jeff Meyer

When you hear the word “Bible”, what are some things that come to your mind? Maybe “God’s word”, “true”, “reliable”? Maybe “difficult”, “confusing”, “hard to understand” are closer? In reality, the Bible is God’s word. It is true. It is reliable.

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