Baptism | Diane Pansegrau

Baptism | Diane Pansegrau

May 1, 2022 |

What was life like before you met Jesus?

Before I met Christ, I was lost, feeling defeated and depressed. My physical and mental health was suffering badly. One day, in what felt like desperation and exhaustion, I just recall getting on my hands and knees to surrender to God. In tears, I told him I would do what he wanted me to do. I was at the end of my “rope”. Quickly, by and through His grace and His spirit, my world began to change radically! He resurrected my heart and soul and healing also took place in so many ways; including my mind, my physical heart, and my emotional hurts/traumas from my past. I repented my sins and started praying and looking up to him for answers. All I can say is God saves and God strengthens! I know this personally to be true.

How did you meet Jesus?

God allowed me to experience sickness and pain to show me the way back to him. I will never turn from God ever again. Jesus is better and I proclaim my place in His kingdom through the finished work on the cross, repentance, and now baptism. This transformation or resurrection as I often refer to it as began about five or six years ago. Like I said I repented a lot and I started consistently reading the Bible, praying with intentionality, and I found a small group of ladies that spoke biblical truths over me. Fostering my relationship with Jesus has been one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done! And at age of 50, I feel so blessed! I have increased my faith walk and I now firmly believe Jesus loves me even when I don’t feel worthy. He sacrificed so much for me and I finally comprehend John 3:16. God gave his only son over to death, so our sins would be forgiven and so we could have eternal life with Him! Wow, what A promise we have in our faith!

After being saved by Jesus, what is your life like now?

I understand I am a sinner, but I am stronger by his grace! I am healthier and I feel God‘s love! I am a sinner who shows up every day to bring glory to Christ. I openly share the gospel with others and my prayer life is active. He has answered prayers, kept me safe, and provided for me, even when my face was turned away from Him. I know he will never leave or forsake me. I hold Jeremiah 29:11 in my heart - “I know the plans I have for you, to give you hope and a future.” Thank you Jesus!