Baptism | Dan Weimer

Baptism | Dan Weimer

May 1, 2022 |

What was life like before you met Jesus?

I lived most of my life in fear and feeling weak and ignored. I started acting out at a young age which helped me get the attention I craved. I still had a hole inside that I tried to fill with many addictions throughout all the years of my life including impulsive spending, alcohol, drugs, gambling pornography...anything for immediate pleasure.

How did you meet Jesus?

I had hit rock bottom in my addictions and lost almost everything. At the point of considering taking my own life. Spent some time in the hospital and then rehab. While reading the Big Book in rehab I felt a physical feeling when reading about a higher power. I can't really explain it. Then later after I had left rehab and was living at a sober living home I visited Veritas to show my dad the concrete floors I had helped polish. I found that it was a church. There was a group there working on one of the rooms and I volunteered to come back and help. After helping one of the leaders asked if he could pray for me. I closed my eyes and as he spoke everything got very bright behind my eyelids and I felt another physical sensation much stronger than I had in rehab. It was incredible. I was saved by the grace of Jesus.

After being saved by Jesus, what is your life like now?

I feel amazing. To truly believe my sins are forgiven and I have new life because Jesus died for my sins. I've spent most of my life trying to forgive myself which led to more depression and addictions. Now I know that I don't have to worry about the past or what others think of me. I only have one judge and by His grace, I have been redeemed. I am in tears of joy almost every Sunday listening to the word. My story and struggle are so much more than I can write here and have gone on for many years. Finally, I have found what has been missing in my life. There have been many signs of God at work in my life. Jesus has been waiting for me to see him for a long time.