Riley Blackford

Riley Blackford

May 1, 2022 |

What was life like before you met Jesus?

As a kid, I grew up in a Christian family along with being surrounded by friends who were also Christian. I didn’t view Christianity as a relationship with God, but I viewed it as a religion that was just a Sunday and Wednesday night thing. In middle school, I started attending summer church camps and realized the joy of actually having a relationship with God, but I still choose to only pursue a relationship with God just when I wanted to. I was finding my worth and identity in my relationships and trying to prove that I was good enough to the people around me.

How did you meet Jesus?

When my father passed away at the age of 15, I was mad at God for months. I was mad that He would take someone away from me that meant so much, but God knew what He was doing. God eventually broke through my bitter heart, and I came to realize that even though this wasn’t what I wanted life to look like, God’s plan was going to be better than anything I could imagine. Coming to college, I was broken. College was a hard transition for me, and I was still finding my worth and identity in the things of this world. As I started to attend Salt Company and started my winter class at Mount Mercy, God opened my heart up to Him again. For a class project, I choose to focus on spirituality and read my bible for 10-15 minutes each day. For the first time in my life, I found true joy in reading my bible and connecting with God every single day. As I came to know God more and more, I realized that I didn’t need to find my worth and identity in the things of this world, but I could find that in my relationship with God.

After being saved by Jesus, what is your life like now?

God showed me that I didn't have to live up to these expectations that I was setting for myself but to live for Him so that I could be fulfilled in Christ. While being at college, God has continued to work in my life by drawing me closer to Him day by day. I have realized my need for a savior and the call to let others know of the good news of Jesus Christ. Matthew 28:19 states "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." This calling has shown me the importance of reaching people on my college campus through Salt Company leadership and reaching people across the world by going overseas this summer. Romans 6:23 states "For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." This right here is why I am in desperate need of a savior. I am a sinner in need of saving and God has provided a way for me to have eternal life through Him. That's the greatest gift we could ever receive!