Baptism | Kevin Kronfeld

Baptism | Kevin Kronfeld

May 1, 2022 |

What was life like before you met Jesus?

Before my conviction as a follower of Christ, I was the person who attended church infrequently and did not apply faith to my life. Back then, if someone asked, I would have said that I was a "believer" but did not live as a "follower" of Christ. I did not live a God-centered life. I was self-centered, seeking approval from others and seeking after my desires and interests including my job, income, status, and hobbies. I was materialistic and focused on my job to make money to buy things to make me happy and my family happy. It led to a lot of worry and anxiety whenever there was uncertainty about my job or relationship problems. Not surprisingly, I entered a season in my life where I had a lot of job uncertainty and also problems in my marriage. The thought of not having my job/income and losing my marriage caused significant worry, anxiety, and ultimately depression. It created thoughts like: “What are people, including my wife and kids, going to think of me if I don't have the job or cannot afford our house, cars, lifestyle, etc?”, “How am I going to be happy if I cannot buy the things I want?”, and “If my marriage fails, what are others going to think of me?”

How did you meet Jesus?

After my divorce, I knew I needed to make changes and become closer to God, but I did not know how to do that. I started attending church regularly, but still felt lost and did not know how to apply my growing faith to my life. I met a person who is a follower of Christ and that friend showed me "by how she lived" what it looked like to be not only a believer but a follower of Christ. How she leaned on and trusted God daily, during challenges and good times. I also realized that I had been trying to do it all on my own and no matter what I tried through my actions and achievements, I came up short and the short-term happiness quickly faded. As I leaned more on God's word and Jesus' example daily for strength and guidance, the more I realized I was able to make better decisions, and get through struggles and challenges to find a better balance in my life.

After being saved by Jesus, what is your life like now?

What was amazing to me is how after my connection to God, through Jesus, how I saw my circumstances and others around me so much differently. Though nothing changed, everything changed at the same time. Focusing on how God wants me to treat others and myself has revealed changes I need to make in my habits, and enabled me to have deeper relationships with others. My focus on God at the center of my life has enabled me to be on the path to becoming the person and father I have always wanted to become, but did not know how to become that person. With God at the center of my life and leaning on his wisdom for decisions, it enabled me to find a proper balance with work, family, relationships, hobbies, etc. For example, I don't need material things to bring me happiness, as I did previously. Through my relationship with Jesus, I am learning from my past and how to forgive others. It has had a positive impact on my relationships with my friends, family, and my children. I have more patience with my children and am able to recognize their needs and be a better father and set a better example for them. It has enabled us to become closer. I don't have nearly the stress, anxiety, or worry about the uncertainty of my future. I am finally realizing, with my relationship with God, through Jesus, how to have sustainable peace and joy in my life. 2 Corinthians 5:17 gives me hope and joy, it says "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come."