Baptism | Tim White

Baptism | Tim White

May 1, 2022 |

What was life like before you met Jesus?

My needs in my life before accepting Christ Jesus as my Lord and Savior were focused on the things of this world versus those things based on the Gospels. It felt like my glass was only half full. 

How did you meet Jesus?

First, I owe my journey to Christ Jesus in large part to my mother-in-law, Doris LeCompte. She is a person of great Christian faith and endurance, and she has become in so many ways, my spiritual mentor. Second, when I started attending Veritas in February of 2021, is when I believe the Holy Spirit entered my heart which has led me to this moment.

After being saved by Jesus, what is your life like now?

Now that I am following Jesus I see Him working through my growth in patience, humility, and constantly thinking about what He would do in virtually all aspects of my life. The changes God has had in my life makes me think of Matthew 5:3-12. I am blessed because of what Jesus has done for me!
