Riley Pence

Riley Pence

April 30, 2023 |

What was life like before you met Jesus?

I had a concept of Jesus from early on, from being raised with it. I was open to it and felt the desire to pursue a relationship with God. To have something that is permanent and to have a goal and drive for. To live for. Something that feels permanent and something unlikely to be taken away. I understand that I’ve never been good enough, or able to be a perfect person. I knew it was impossible on my own. I wanted to have something to make sin smaller before God and his glory.

How did you meet Jesus?

It feels so long ago, hard to remember the moment or what got me to feel it. I was learning more, I wanted to be saved. I was 8 years old and I felt the passion inside. I wanted to help others follow that path and have that hope to move towards. Helping others helped me to stay reaffirmed in my belief of Jesus. The gospel really is about believing in Christ as the one and only Savior who died for my sins. Our deeds don’t get us into heaven but are a reflection of our new life in Jesus. John 3:16 relates to the gospel because Jesus is the beginning and the end, and we won't have an end if we follow him and his gospel. I want to get baptized because I felt the call to Christ a while ago and I haven't had the opportunity to respond through baptism.

After being saved by Jesus, what is your life like now?

I can be reaffirmed that I know I have someone who is always there and wants to alleviate the struggles I face and wants to help us grow in our faith. This is very motivating to me. I know that I am saved because the Bible tells me that believing in Jesus will give me salvation and save me from my sin. I desire to show others the same love and desire to serve and guide others, and I am willing to be guided by others in a positive way.