Amber Hess

Amber Hess

August 27, 2023 |

What was life like before you met Jesus?

Before I knew Christ, I sought control in every aspect of my life. I tried to force others to give the response that I wanted from them or the response that fixed the problem fastest. When they weren't ready, I tried even harder to help them. At home, if things weren't going the way I felt they should, I would get emotional with those around me and expect that they would want to change the circumstances to fit the idea I had in my head. I thought I had everything in order how it should be. We were attending church and checking all the boxes. I checked all the boxes for a good life.

How did you meet Jesus?

I realized that I was just going through the motions in the Fall of 2022. I coach volleyball at a local school. There were a few athletes who were so excited about their faith and had a relationship with Jesus that I soon recognized I didn't have. I know now that God was at work in my life. He used my job as a coach to reach me and surround me with people who would help me be closer to God. I was invited to an FCA event and immediately felt a community and love for Jesus that lit a fire inside me. I knew I needed a change. I knew I needed to know Him. I decided to try attending a new church - Veritas. While this was a big change for my family, I took the first step and put the rest in His hands. From then on, I've learned more about His word and felt his hands on every piece of my life. The changes that I never expected are a direct result of me letting go of the control and recognizing that He is sovereign over my life. I never truly had control. We can see throughout the whole bible that the sovereignty of God is what will happen. In Genesis, we see that Joseph was sold by his brothers and had to endure many terrible things. God had a purpose in all of the terrible things. He means the hard things to happen for His greater purpose (Genesis 50:20). Accepting that God has complete sovereignty over my life has completely changed the way that I live and what I live for.

After being saved by Jesus, what is your life like now?

I now know that Christ has complete sovereignty over my life. I have given up control and found so much peace in knowing that NOTHING is in my control and everything is in His control. I trusted that He would work in the hearts of my family to put us where we needed to be. After this, we continued to meet more people who helped us grow closer to Jesus, my family found a home at a new church, and the entire focus of my family changed from an earthly focus to a Godly focus. God provided so much for me when I placed my trust in Him, and I can't possibly imagine following or living for anyone else. Jesus says in Matthew 28: 18-20, the Great Commission, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always to the very end of the age." He promises me that He has sovereignty over my life and He will be with me so I will live for Him.