Jason Eastman

Jason Eastman

August 27, 2023 |

What was life like before you met Jesus?

Before I met Jesus I was very self centered and blind to the depth of my sin. I lived life for myself and church/reading the Bible was more of a chore than a desire.

How did you meet Jesus?

I have attended church my whole life. The things that were being taught gradually started to catch my attention and spark curiosity. Church became an opportunity to learn more and I started to learn and trust more in the gospel. I started to realize how far gone I am without Christ and the magnitude of what he has done for me.

After being saved by Jesus, what is your life like now?

Attending church is no longer a chore and I am no longer the center of the universe. I can see that I am a tiny puzzle piece in God’s bigger plan. I recognize my sin and know I am forgiven and loved by God.