What was life like before you met Jesus?
Before knowing Christ, I was finding my worth and identity in things other than Him. It was a never-ending, exhausting way of living. I was trying to keep up with everyone else's achievements and constantly comparing myself to them. Whenever I would achieve a goal of mine, it was an underwhelming and temporary feeling of happiness. In this, I just tried harder and figured that if I tried hard enough, I would be able to measure up to the unrealistic standards I'd set for myself.
How did you meet Jesus?
When I was in 5th grade, my family decided to switch churches. This change was a huge part of my coming to faith. This new church was where things started to click into place, and I heard the gospel for the first time. I was beginning to understand that no matter what I do, nothing can separate me from His love. "While we were still sinners, Christ died for us" - Romans 5:8. I cannot do anything without Jesus and cannot earn my salvation through good works. He is the source of my strength, and my identity is found in Him.
After being saved by Jesus, what is your life like now?
Now, I make the daily choice to follow Jesus. I know that my worth is determined only by what He thinks of me, and He calls me chosen, forgiven, and free. I'm 100% certain that my eternity will be spent with Jesus, not because of anything I've done but because of the work Jesus did when He died on the cross in my place. John 19:30 quotes Jesus saying, "It is finished."