Baptism Stories

Joy Babor

April 28, 2024 |

My life has changed since I was saved, but sometimes it is hard to believe that God is still with me all the time, but I know he is. I love serving people and teaching kids about God's love.

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Allie Boenish

April 28, 2024 |

A renewed trust in the Lord and surrendering all of my life to Him was what I needed. This meant diving into the Word daily and reminding myself to turn to Him before anyone else in times of joy or hardship.

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Joe Boenish

April 28, 2024 |

After many years of passively attending Veritas, my wife and I decided it was time we stopped making excuses, and we joined a connection group. From the first meeting with that group, the way I viewed my life and relationship with Jesus changed.

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Michaela Carle

April 28, 2024 |

Nowadays, I rest more easily, knowing that I’m walking with Christ. I now engage in daily prayer, where I can ask questions, confess my sins, and build a relationship with God.

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Nathan Carle

April 28, 2024 |

Since being saved by Jesus my life has looked much different. Examples include reading my Bible more, wanting to be more involved in my community, feeling more at peace with my God, and questioning myself less about what I should or should not be doing.

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Emma Hartzler

April 28, 2024 |

With my identity finally in Christ, I have all that I need to live this life I am living to the fullest. I no longer question who I am because I know who I belong to.

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Cody Heaton

April 28, 2024 |

Living a life following Christ is not always the easiest thing, but it has brought joy into my life. I know the promises that God has made for me, and I can now recognize all the blessings He has given and continues to give me in my life.

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Hannah Kapler

April 28, 2024 |

I didn’t always have the words or the questions to ask, at the time though, the seeds were planted. One day, there was one woman who sat down with me and told me the story of Hannah from the Bible she spoke with tears in her eyes. I was so moved I had them too. That day stirred up the desire to want to read the Bible.

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Kim Peterson

April 28, 2024 |

God showed up and answered my prayers. I have found grace in the Lord, knowing that he is always with me, guiding me through every trial.

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Taylor Peterson

April 28, 2024 |

After being saved, I live my life with so much joy and gratitude. I am no longer anxious and worrying about what my future holds.

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Shelby Quaas

April 28, 2024 |

Christ saved me. I no longer have self-loathing, shame, and guilt. I feel whole. I no longer walk in fear and fully walk in faith, not by sight, in this very hard world.

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Vince Schrock

April 28, 2024 |

After surrendering my life to Christ, I saw a big change in my attitude toward life and other people. He changed my quiet, fearful heart to be one that actively engaged with other people, seeing them as image bearers of God.

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Cal Schulte

April 28, 2024 |

Since placing my trust in Jesus, I have sensed more peace in life. God has also given me a greater desire to work to honor Him. I have grown in my desire to read the Bible and share Jesus with those around me.

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Brandon Tuttle

April 28, 2024 |

I know now that Jesus is with me in everything I go through in life, whether it be something I’m struggling with or something good. I have continued to read and rejoice in His Word.

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Mark Weems

April 28, 2024 |

I learned that Jesus has always been waiting for me to reach out to him personally. I am so thankful to Jesus for waiting for me to form this personal relationship with him!

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Mary Weems

April 28, 2024 |

I now believe that I died with Christ on the cross, and through his defeat of death and rising from the dead, I know I am forgiven of my sins, and I will be with Him in eternal life.

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Ben Brewer

April 28, 2024 |

He met me at my lowest and raised me to my highest. He is the fulfillment of life that nothing in this world could provide. My identity is now in Christ.

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Sydney Crittenden

April 28, 2024 |

Since meeting Jesus, He has changed my desires as I no longer search for satisfaction in relationships because I know that only Jesus can satisfy me.

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Abby Cornell

April 28, 2024 |

After being saved by Jesus, I now know that I am completely loved, unconditionally. I know that there is no greater love than the love that God has for his children.

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Devin Doyle

April 28, 2024 |

I’ve thrown away past sins and don’t look back. I pray and worship Christ more than I ever have, repent my sins, and live a life for and through Christ.

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Dawson Franck

April 28, 2024 |

Now that I have been saved, I want others to find what I have found. I pray frequently that those around me will feel the love of Jesus that I have felt. That their searching would be over too. Because Jesus has been so sweet, sin is bitter to me.

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Ashlyn Geasland

April 28, 2024 |

After putting my faith in Jesus, I have been overwhelmed with joy. I no longer fear the future because I know my plan is in God's hands. I don't compare myself to others because the only approval that I need is from God, who loves each of us equally.

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Mianna Gosche

April 28, 2024 |

I now live for him. I am able to understand that I am a sinner, and I am broken, and God knows this. He knows I'm not perfect because I was never designed to be perfect. I know that I have a life worth living because it would be selfish of me not to because it is a part of his plan.

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Brennen Krueger

April 28, 2024 |

Now that I've placed my faith in Jesus and given him control over my life, I've found fulfillment in Him. I also find peace in knowing that I have salvation.

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Bronx Lewis

April 28, 2024 |

Instantly after I started following His Word and truly living by it, I was able to clear my mind of mistakes I made or things I regret. I had a new understanding of what it meant to live through Christ, and that made me more hopeful, positive, confident, loving, and forgiving.

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Connor Morris

April 28, 2024 |

Since coming to Cornell, Christ has done amazing work in my life. He has shown me that the things of this world don't bring joy and that Christ is the true source of life.

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Avalynn Morse

April 28, 2024 |

I had rejected Him my whole life, and I had not a single thing to offer Him, yet He drew near to me when I finally let Him in. I finally felt a sense of peace in Jesus that I had been searching for and hadn't been able to find on my own.

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Kamryn Stockton

April 28, 2024 |

After being saved by Jesus, I found that I am turning to him for everything in life, whether that be my concerns, my anxieties, my happiness, my gratitude for him, etc. I found that a life lived through Christ is more fulfilling than any worldly-centered life would ever be.

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Alivia Miller

April 28, 2024 |

After being saved, I no longer felt alone because I have His constant presence with me wherever I go. I get to lean on and trust in someone who will never let me down. He promises never to leave me or forsake me.

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Kaleb Backen

April 28, 2024 |

I realized that the only way to be saved is to accept Christ into my life and live to glorify him in everything I do. I want to be baptized to make a public statement that I accept Jesus into my life and that the old way that I used to live is gone, and from then on, walking through life differently, knowing that I have faith in Jesus.

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Jed Peterson

April 28, 2024 |

My life after being saved by Jesus has brought me peace and comfort in everyday life. I now know I don’t need to seek the approval of others, just the approval of God.

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Cyrus Miller

April 28, 2024 |

After being saved I can now have peace in my heart and overflowing joy in any circumstance. I trust the Lord with all my heart. He has changed me forever.

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Kaleb Kirchner

April 28, 2024 |

My life now is completely different. There is intention to the things I do in my day to day. From as small as the schoolwork and homework I do to my job or in the gym. I do things for God because, without him, I would be nothing and have nothing.

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Izzy Logue

April 28, 2024 |

There are no words that can explain the transformation that Jesus has had in my life. With Jesus taking the lead in my life, I don’t have to worry or have any fear of what’s ahead I know that I can trust in him and his timing, and he will lead me down this path, and he’ll be the light.

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