Building Remodel

We have
a space problem

We are embarking on a remodel of our building to address space issues brought on by nothing but the faithfulness of our great God. Over the years we have been downtown, God has massively grown our church body, transforming the lives of so many people. Because of this, it’s become difficult to accommodate everyone in our space. With this remodel, we want to maximize the space He has given us. We want to open our hands to God and ask him to do what only he can do in the future of this church.

Our Plan

Maximize our Building

After evaluating many options, we have decided to invest in our location downtown and spend wisely to increase our capacity for Sunday gatherings an get the most out of our building.


Install new chairs in the auditorium to increase its capacity by 270+ seats.


Renovate the basement to create room for more kids to learn about Jesus.


Renovate the lobby to accommodate increased traffic and create a more welcoming space.

Why the Basement?

We have access to a largely unused space that will allow our kids' ministry to grow and thrive while allowing us to be faithful stewards of what God has already given us. The expansion into the basement will ultimately include nine new kids' classrooms and a large group space for gathering and worship.

More Space to Gather

The large group space provides a place for kids to come together for teaching and worship. By creating space for this room and more classrooms, the basement expansion gives kids more space to gather and opens more space on the 2nd level for adult ministry needs like classes, groups, and further ministry opportunities.

How You Can Help

We can only accomplish this with your help. We trust that this next chapter in Veritas Church’s story is in the hands of God and will be marked as it always has been by his grace. We hope you will prayerfully consider helping us accomplish this goal.


Please prayerfully consider coming alongside Veritas financially to help us address the needs of our growing church.


Financially contribute to the project


Pray that God will continue to bring people to Veritas.