Commitment in Marriage

Commitment in Marriage

October 14, 2019 | Michelle Novak

I married a United States Marine – Oorah! God blessed me with a man who came pre-programed with the virtues of honor, courage, and commitment. Brady and I had a head start…. But we needed “the spirit of determination and dedication” that embodies a marine’s commitment to God, Country and Corps to become determined and dedicated to each other. As we decisively devoted ourselves to each other we became one flesh defending the covenant we made before God against the war of temptation and cultural indifference which threatened to derail our union.

How? By commitment…

Commitment is the spirit of determination. For believers in Jesus Christ the spirit of determination comes from the indwelling Holy Spirit which God lavishly supplies for his children. Brady and I are two sinners living together in a covenantal marriage. Our flesh continually rears its ugly head in selfishness, impatience, poor communication and laziness.

Combating our personal desires, comforts and agendas demands intentionality and requires effort and grit; the stuff that makes good marines and good marriages. Commitment is also a pledge, a promise for the future. When the world around us glorifies adultery, lust, holding grudges and getting revenge we fight back with faithfulness, humility, grace and forgiveness today, tomorrow and as long as we both shall live. Commitment is finally an obligation. When we have sinned against each other we are commanded to move towards reconciliation through confession, repentance and forgiveness. We are to forgive each other as Christ has forgiven us, not because we deserve forgiveness or earn forgiveness but because of the great and perfect example of Jesus Christ’s atoning sacrifice on the cross for each and every one of our sins. May we glorify God as a committed husband and wife and as a beautiful picture of Christ and his church.

Michelle Novak

Women's Discipleship Leader