Finding Your Rhythm of Worship

I don’t know about you, but I need rhythms in my life. For me, having a plan isn’t about being boxed in—it’s about being intentional. Plans help me grow, stay consistent, and catch the vision for where I’m headed. And when it comes to our faith, rhythms like daily obedience and corporate worship are crucial for keeping us centered on Christ.

So let’s talk about the rhythm of worship, specifically the importance of gathering together weekly as the church. Have you ever thought about why you participate in a Sunday morning worship gathering? Maybe it’s just about showing up at 9:30 sharp, checking the box, and moving on with your day. But worship is so much more than that. It’s not just a Sunday thing; it’s a lifestyle—a way of living that declares, "God is God, and I am not." Worship is about aligning our lives with His plan, not ours. It’s about knowing Him, obeying Him, and letting every part of our lives reflect His glory.

Here’s the thing: we are all worshipers. If we’re not worshiping God, we’re worshiping something else. Maybe it’s sports, work, comfort, or success. Our time, energy, and focus are always directed somewhere. But only worshiping God—the Creator, Redeemer, and King—is life-giving and eternal.

Why Gather?

Hebrews 10:25 says, “...not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” The rhythm of weekly worship encourages us and others with the realities of Christ—his past work and our future hope.

When we gather, we remind each other of the truths we so easily forget: Jesus’s sacrifice for our sins, his ongoing work in our lives, and the hope of eternal life with him. Gathering isn’t just about what you get out of it; it’s about how your presence encourages and strengthens others. When we sing together, when we sit under the Word together, we stir each other up to love and good works.

What’s Your Plan?

Let’s get real—worshiping consistently takes intentionality. Life is busy. Schedules are full. And yet, when we fail to prioritize gathering with the church, it says something about what we value. If you made a plan with your boss or your kid’s coach and said, “Hey, I’ll show up half the time,” that wouldn’t fly. So why do we approach worship with less commitment?

Think about the upcoming year. There are 52 Sundays. What’s your plan? How will you prioritize gathering with your church family? Sure, there will be sick days and vacations, but those should be exceptions, not the rhythm.

Here are a few practical steps:

  1. Prepare Ahead: Set out clothes, pack diaper bags, or make lunch plans the week before. Don’t let Sunday morning chaos be an excuse to skip worship.
  2. Reframe Your Mindset: Gathering isn’t an obligation; it’s a privilege. Reflect on the work of Christ, and let that fuel your desire to worship.
  3. Encourage Others: Who in your life might need a nudge to prioritize the regular worship gathering? Have that conversation with grace and love, pointing them to the joy and importance of gathering.

A Picture of What’s to Come

Our weekly worship is a small glimpse of what’s ahead. One day, we’ll stand before God with every believer from every generation, singing, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty.” What a day that will be! But until then, we need these regular reminders of who God is and what he’s done.

Church, let’s make worship a priority. Let’s commit to the rhythm of gathering, not out of obligation but because we’ve been redeemed by a Savior who is worthy of our praise. Together, let’s encourage one another, stir each other up, and prepare our hearts for the day when we will worship Him face to face.

So, what’s your plan? How and what are you worshipping right now?

See ya Sunday.

Books of the Bible
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