This is our third week in our blog series on race and Christianity. As a church we want to be better informed about a deep sin issue that has stained our history and continues to exist today. In this series we wanted to put some good content in front of you to help us think biblically about racial unity. If this is your first week visiting the blog we encourage you to go back and catch up on the content from the previous two weeks. Our hope as a church is that we would be better informed on the sin of racism and walk with greater compassion in our lives bringing reconciliation wherever we go. We hope these resources will be both inspiring and informative as we seek to honor Christ in all of life, including the unity in Christ we are called to as Christians.
This week is a talk given by Karen Ellis from the MLK50 conference titled: “To the Ends of the Earth: The Great Commission, the Global Persecuted Church, and Racial Unity”. Remember to jot down your thoughts and take some time to discuss this with your connection group this week.