Short-Term Missions | Long-Term Impact

Healthy Short-Term Missions

Short-term mission trips have become a staple in the American church in recent decades. You probably have a friend or family member who just got back from one or is preparing to go on one soon! While much has been written about the potential harm of short-term mission trips, these trips still have their place in the spiritual formation of believers and in fulfilling the Great Commission. We can still glorify God and avoid potential damage of short-term mission trips by following a few simple principles, such as working alongside local believers or long-term missionaries to build plans and trusting relationships.

The following is a story from Aaron, a member of Veritas Church who saw God move in awe-inspiring ways through a healthy short-term mission trip. Note: Specific names, locations, and other details have been withheld for security purposes.

Aaron in Central Asia

In May, Central Asian ministry leaders invited me to participate in a regional discipleship multiplication conference. These indigenous believers designed the conference to serve local disciple-makers and house church leaders across Central Asia. People from nine different countries came together to worship, pray, and grow in relationship with Jesus. Most of these individuals came from restricted-access countries, including several from closed Muslim countries. You can’t imagine the lengths that some of these brothers and sisters had to go to in order to attend the conference, but God made a way. Not only were they coming from restricted countries, but many of their nations are in active war against each other.

When I arrived, I was blown away by the diversity and faithfulness of the group. What amazed me most is that these brothers and sisters in Christ could set aside the cultural differences and worship in unity, despite the wars raging at home. We quickly bonded around the truths of the Bible and our desire to see people saved from every nation, tribe, people, and language (Matthew 24:14; Revelation 7:9). I can testify that God is fulfilling this promise to make disciples in all the earth (Acts 1:8)! Throughout the week I heard testimony after testimony of how God is redeeming lives.

One individual in attendance had been training to be a radical Muslim terrorist with his brother just a few years prior. While on an intel mission, they discovered a New Testament Bible hidden in a wall and began to read it. He told me, “I had no idea that God loved me so much and that he came to save me. I was being trained that I had to fight for salvation. The Bible taught me the fight has already been won.” After surrendering their lives to Jesus, this man and his brother are now part of an underground church-planting effort in their country. This pastor gave me a long hug at the end of the conference saying, “I can’t wait to go home to teach what I’ve been taught. These discipleship principles will help us reach many more for Jesus.”

Another individual shared how he has been praying for years that God would be glorified in unreached places. During a time of prayer a few years ago, God gave him a vision of a sport opening the door for the gospel in closed countries. After the vision, he committed to learning this relatively unknown sport. Today he is a global leader in the sport and extends invitations to governing bodies so that they can send participants to international competitions. As a result, he has shared the gospel with several coaches and athletes from unreached people groups. Some have responded in faith, including a couple who joined us at the conference from one of the most restricted countries in the world. This was their first time ever uniting with a body of believers outside their country. The conference fanned to flame a greater hope in Jesus and a vision for making disciples of their nation. We are asking God to do a work only he is capable of doing through these men in this country. Leave it to God to choose unlikely people competing in an unknown sport to accomplish his purposes!

I know we shouldn’t be surprised that God is on the move, fulfilling his promises. However, I am continually in awe when I see Him at work. Even writing these stories, I feel like I’m living in a story book. The truth is, we are living in the midst of the greatest story ever told. The Bible teaches us that God is redeeming a people to himself and that he will be glorified in all the earth. This is a story big enough for all of us to live in. It is a joy to join God in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). I’m so thankful to be part of a church committed to raising up mature disciples and sending out everyday missionaries, all to the glory of God. Together, let’s be active participants in this mission locally, regionally, and globally. To God be all the glory. Amen.

Next Steps

If you want to learn more about this story God is writing as he reaches the nations for his glory, consider the following next steps:

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