Apollo Payne

What was life like before you met Jesus?

It was without meaning. I thought I was doing everything right. I realized that there was more than just going to church. I said I wanted to get baptized last year but realized I wasn't ready and that I needed to mean what I was saying.

How did you meet Jesus?

I started following Jesus one day at Sunday service. We were coming off of some time at YTH Camp and I really wanted to listen to the message and Jesus showed me that this was what it was like to believe in Him and that is what I wanted. So, I started reading about Him and focusing on my relationship with Jesus.

After being saved by Jesus what is your life like now?

It has changed the way I think and see things. My life has worth and a goal of going to heaven and continuing my relationship with the Lord. I want to be baptized to show my belief in Jesus and that he died for my sins and want to follow him for the rest of my life.

Baptism Salvation Stories
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