Alivia Miller

What was life like before you met Jesus?

I grew up in a Christian household, but before I knew him personally, I felt very alone. It was hard for me to open up to others, so I just ended up depending on myself.

How did you meet Jesus?

One summer, I went to a church camp. After the evening service, I finished praying and went back to my cabin, but God touched my heart and ended up going back to the chapel. When I got there, I saw and heard everyone praying. They were so easily pouring their hearts out to the Lord that I wanted to also know someone like that. That night, I felt His love for me, but I didn’t understand why God would care so much about me, I wasn’t anything special. It makes me think of Mathew 18, the story where Jesus leaves the 99 sheep for the one that’s lost. I wasn’t anything special, but He still loved me. I can confidently say that I love God because He first loved me.

After being saved by Jesus, what is your life like now?

After being saved, I no longer felt alone because I have His constant presence with me wherever I go. I get to lean on and trust in someone who will never let me down. He promises never to leave me or forsake me. I talk to Him about everything, and He’s supporting me through everything, which is a comfort I never had before. No matter what I do, He’s there for me. Because of Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross, I have a friend who is always with me. Psalm 116:8 “For you (the Lord) have delivered my soul from death, My eyes from tears, And my feet from falling.”

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