Esaie Mososongo

What was life like before you met Jesus?

I was very fortunate that I grew up in a Christian household. From a young age, I was introduced to the teachings of Jesus, but I must admit that I didn't fully comprehend their significance. I knew of Jesus but did not understand His divine presence in my life. I was easily influenced during my formative years because I lacked self-identity and understanding of myself. I was pursuing validation, fulfillment, and peace in my life. Since I lacked a core understanding of Christ, it led me to be easily distracted and strayed away from his word. I was a bit of a people-pleaser, trying to get validation from people so I could fit in by following what they were doing. Deep down, I was aware that some of my actions were sinful, and yet I continued to engage in them, wrestling with feelings of inner conflict and shame. It was a challenging period of my life."

How did you meet Jesus?

At the beginning of the year 2023, I prayed to God, and I told Him I was done running away and following my plans. I was lost, didn't know where my life was headed, and I knew God had a plan for me. So, I decided it was time to come back to Him. This year has been a tough one. Some relationships falling apart, leaving me feeling completely alone, even two of my good friends passing away. Those moments were like wake-up calls. It made me realize that the people and things I'd been chasing after weren't there for me when it mattered. So, I took a hard look at my life and my relationship with Christ. I asked myself a tough question: "If I were to die today, where would I end up?" I was terrified to even think about it because I'd been distracted for the past three years. But this spring, I committed to follow Christ more passionately. Whenever I spent time in His Word or His presence, I felt a sense of peace, fulfillment, and reassurance. I knew that only He could truly satisfy me. As Psalm 4:7 says, 'You have put more joy in my heart than they have when their grain and wine abound.'"

After being saved by Jesus, what is your life like now?

Jesus fulfills me, I know following and obeying him will lead me to the plan he has for me. Without him, I'm clueless. I'm currently committed to fully following and placing Christ as my number one. Now, moving forward, I strive to constantly stay in my word and prayers to solidify my relationship with him. Denying my flesh and its worldly pleasure. I will no longer pursue fulfillment anywhere else because everything is given to us only through him. One verse that constantly speaks to me is as follows: Matthew 6:33 which says," Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you".

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