Kaden Backen

What was life like before you met Jesus?

Growing up, I always knew of Christ. Occasionally, we prayed as a family, and I read my bible. Most of my friends growing up were not friends that were Christ-centered. We never talked about faith or pointed out each others’ sin. We had neighbors who kept asking my brother and me to go to youth group, and my family had talked about attending Veritas but just hadn’t gone yet. Before knowing Jesus, I was disobedient to Him, didn’t have a personal relationship with Him, and didn’t care about reading my Bible or talking to God through prayer. I also didn’t love others the way I am supposed to. Instead of wanting to help others through sin, I just brushed it off thinking they would go away on their own which isn’t what real love looks like.

How did you meet Jesus?

I have known about the gospel most of my life but I did not know as much about it as I do now. I would say that I truly believed the gospel around the age of ten when I started to comprehend some of God's words and started engaging in prayer. My brother and I decided to attend youth group at Veritas after our neighbors many invitations, and my family started going on Sundays, and we all have really enjoyed it. As my family and I started getting into the church, I started getting more Christian friends. This definitely has impacted my life and how I see and do things. Also, youth group has been a big part of my life. It has helped me connect with people who help me through situations. My youth leaders and the other kids in my connection group have been a big contribution to enhancing my life in Christ. I realized Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection was the only way to pay for my sins once I started to go to church about a year and a half ago. I want to be baptized to show that I’ve been born again and want to live for Christ.

After being saved by Jesus, what is your life like now?

Since following Jesus, my life has changed a lot. I desire to spend more time with Christian friends, and God has used these people to push me and help me grow closer to Him. I have also started responding more Christlike and loving my friends enough to help them fight sin instead of ignoring it. Having others help me follow Jesus has also encouraged me to read through Bible reading plans, connect more in youth group, and engage more with Sunday sermons.

Romans 6:22-23 says, “But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the fruit you get leads to sanctification and its end, eternal life. For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” This verse reminds me that I have eternal life with Christ and gives me peace and hope.

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