Macie Younge

What was life like before you met Jesus?

Life felt pretty hopeless and pointless before I met Jesus. I have lived most of my life knowing there was a God, but I didn’t feel entirely secure until I began to trust Him wholly. I found my identity in other people’s opinions which, as much as I thought living up to other people’s standards would be enough, it never was. I remember feeling very lonely during the pandemic, when everything felt hopeless, and the disappointment of missing out on a lot of my 8th grade and freshman school years. I became pretty reserved in most social situations for the majority of my freshman and sophomore years, and felt unsure of what the future had in store for me.

How did you meet Jesus?

I have grown up in a Christian household, where I was expected to go to church every Sunday and attended a private school up until high school. I read the bible in school for religion class, but never read and consulted God’s word on my own, at this point. Then, a friend who is still in my Connection group to this day, invited me to come to Veritas for youth group in my sophomore year of high school. I met many amazing people here who truly showed me how important it is to study the bible and rest satisfied in Jesus. I began to see God moving and saw how fitting into this world isn’t what I was made to do. I finally began to feel okay with standing out and that Jesus is the true prize and meaning of this life.

After being saved by Jesus, what is your life like now?

I am so grateful for the cross and that Jesus would die for sinners who did nothing but hate Him. The gospel truly is so sweet, and I live in response to this, feeling secure in who I am in Christ, which urges me to tell others of what Jesus has done for us. I have a hope in Jesus that allows me to fully trust that His plan and future for me is good and way better than my plan.