Mark Weems

What was life like before you met Jesus?

Although I was raised and was “baptized” as an infant in a Christian family, attended Presbyterian Church, and sang in the choir for many years, I seldom prayed to my Lord Jesus Christ. I believed that prayers had to be comprised of great wisdom framed by eloquent words, which always eluded me. Even the thought of praying deeply intimidated me as I felt unworthy. I realize now that this caused me to fail to develop a meaningful personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. To make matters worse, my wife, Mary, and I eventually became disillusioned with our Church when major problems with the clergy became apparent. This caused us to wander without a church home for several years. During this time, our oldest Son and his family were attending a non-denominational church and I noticed that he had no problem praying anywhere and with anyone. The words would flow off his lips with ease, simple plain talk.

How did you meet Jesus?

One day an old schoolmate of ours happened to see Mary and me in a restaurant and couldn’t wait to tell us about how he found his church and how profoundly it affected him spiritually during his first visit. He encouraged us to join him the next Sunday. Our friend was Kevin Hunter, and we attended Veritas for the first time after which we knew we had found our new church home. Little did we know then that the most difficult time in our lives was just a couple of years away. The pandemic and subsequent Global supply chain disaster nearly sank our family business. By early March of 2022, I was brought to my knees! I didn’t know what my next steps to take so I just started fervently praying to Jesus for wisdom and guidance. This is when I started to notice that Jesus was providing relief by sending us the reinforcements we desperately needed. These people came to me with vast experience at just the right time to help us navigate our calamity in answer to my prayers! All of them were also DEEPLY Christian people! So I learned that Jesus has always been waiting for me to reach out to him personally. I am so thankful to Jesus for waiting for me to form this personal relationship with him!

After being saved by Jesus, what is your life like now?

As I look back now on our trials through this period, I see it as a journey of faith, like Monks who place candles on their shoes which emit just enough light for them to take the next step. God was taking me through these trials where I endured day by day through prayer not knowing what was coming next. I can honestly attest to how my personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior has grown immensely during this time and continues to grow with every prayer because I know now that Jesus is listening to my prayers, as HE sent the people we needed at the very moment we needed them! I thank GOD for blessing us throughout this ordeal!

Baptism Salvation Stories
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