Matt Hess

What was life like before you met Jesus?

Being raised in faith, my story of what it was like before I met Jesus is pretty standard. What I would like to share is my journey that started in religion and has recently changed trajectories to focusing on my relationship with Jesus.

I first learned about Jesus growing up in the Lutheran (MSL) religion and experienced Him through worship and self-examination of most of my sins before communion on Sundays. I can acknowledge now that the relationship I had with Jesus then was a selfish one. I would go to church on Sundays to ask Jesus to “wash away my sin” with a rinse-and-repeat mentality. My participation was also focused on doing what was expected of me instead of spending time with Jesus. This left a foothold for sin, which was most notably in the form of alcohol in high school. First, as a means of fitting in. Then in 2008, my family was displaced by the flood. Reflecting on this, I lacked the confidence in Jesus to be able to take my burdens. Instead of handing them over, I began idolizing control. It was then that I prioritized alcohol over church (the physical place I felt my relationship with Jesus was). It wasn’t until my wife-to-be and I started dating in my Jr. year of college that I started going back to church on a regular basis. Amber and I ended up getting married a few years later at her family’s Catholic church. Driven by my own stipulations of both Amber and I taking communion or the Eucharist together for our kid’s sake, I converted to Catholicism. Our two daughters (Grace, age 3, and Haleigh age 6) were baptized and all the boxes that I was being told to check off were getting checked off. After several years of comfortably going through the motions, in some cases quite literally, Amber introduced the idea of going to a Veritas service. At the time, I felt like I was losing control of my wife's religion and that mine would have to change again. My focus was not on Jesus, it was on me. So naturally, my pride took over, and I started diving into Catholicism as a response. This prompted a season in my family’s life where we attended Mass at 8:00 am, participated in the Eucharist, then went to Veritas at 11:00 am and participated in Communion. Around the same time, we also had the wonderful opportunity to get involved in a neighborhood Bible study. I believe the Holy Sprit used this time to help me learn about the difference between religion and relationship with Jesus through the Gospel. It was only a matter of time before the truths of the Bible began to shine through and helped make the decision easy for our family to commit to attending Veritas.

How did you meet Jesus?

I would like to share several ways that the Holy Spirit has blessed me over the past two years. One circumstance, two brothers in Christ that have been discipling me, and some scripture that has been convicting and inspiring to me.

The circumstance:
My oldest daughter was recommended for a pulmonary scan to rule out a heart murmur or other potential complications. Some time had passed and one day as I got into my car song “Arms of Jesus” by Cade Thompson came on. During that song, I broke down and could feel Jesus take my burden of the unknown from me as I held it up asking Him to release me from it. Praise God that shortly after the scans came back with good news!

Two brothers in Christ:
Josue Niyokwizigirwa, whom God brought into my life through a co-worker of Amber. Josue first opened my eyes to the power of prayer and how beautiful it can be in everyday life, not just words repeated at mealtime. We continue to have many fruitful conversations in sharing our own struggles and how our relationship with Jesus is key to overcoming any trial in front of us.

Aaron Reasland. He and Liz have been a gift to Amber and I in so many ways. The most impactful to me has been witnessing evangelism in action. Whether it's seeing how Aaron mentors FCA members, helps facilitate our neighborhood Bible study, or building fellowship through the continued construction of a chicken coop with him. He's been an inspiration for me in sharing the truth of the Gospel.


Matthew 7:21-23 - “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; leave Me, you who practice lawlessness.’.

This is deeply convicting for me every time I study it. It’s a strong reminder that we are to do God’s will and not our own.

Romans 5:6 – For while we were still helpless, at the right time, Christ died for the ungodly.

This verse is so inspiring for me in acknowledging that there is nothing I can do or control for my salvation. Jesus has already died for my sin.

After being saved by Jesus, what is your life like now?

It has changed my perspective on so many things. It has changed how I worship, read the Bible, pray, parent and treat others. It has changed my relationship with Jesus from a once-a-week visit to knowing He is with me wherever I go.

Baptism Salvation Stories
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