Before Jesus Changed My Life
I grew up in a Christ-centered home. We read from the Bible every night after supper and wrote down our favorite verses from the passage we read. I remember being a young kid when I told my mom I wanted to follow God and wanted to invite Him into my heart. As I got into high school I wanted to get baptized and went to a baptism class that my church was having. During that process, I found out they wouldn’t baptize me since I was already baptized as a baby. It didn’t make a whole lot of sense to me since as a baby I wasn’t baptized of my own accord and desires.
How Jesus Changed My Life
Even though I was young when I invited Jesus into my heart, it wasn’t until I got older and in college that God started to do more of a work in my heart. It was a darker time for me, and I started seeing a Christian Psychologist. I just remember hearing the song “My Next Breath” by Hawk Nelson and breaking down. In the chorus one of the lines says “I need you, I need you more than my next breath.” I felt that to my core. There was another moment that helped solidify that I needed God in my life. Unfortunately, I don’t remember the exact verse, but I called it “the Isaiah Feeling” since it comes from a section of the book of Isaiah. I had reached out to someone in the church that I was a part of and I just remember asking for some proof that things were going to be ok. The passage he directed me to reminded me that even though we may go through fire or storms that God is always there with us and he will never leave us. It gave me reassurance that even though times can get tough and dark that God isn’t going anywhere. The Gospel is the good news. Literally. It’s the good news that even though we are sinners we are saved by His grace. We deserve to die, but He died in our place. Even though we are sinners He loves us. The good news of John 3:16 rings true to this day: for God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son, that he who truly believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. To me, hearing stuff like this gives me hope that even in my darker moments in life that someone cares for me so much that He gave His only son to die for me in my place. That is such good news!
My Life After Jesus Saved Me
After Jesus came into my life and changed me, I just felt a sense of calm. I wasn’t worried about trying to live a worldly life, but to look towards God and the eternal life that we have through Him. People sometimes say God won’t give you anything you can’t handle. But through the process of growth I have come to believe that he will very much so give you things you can’t handle. But in Philippians 4:13 it says “I can do all things THROUGH Christ who strengths me.” He will give you things that you alone aren’t strong enough to handle. And in those moments are when we need to seek God and say “God, I need your help. I’m not strong enough by myself. I need you. I need you more than my next breath.” This life will get tough and impossible at times. One thing I try to remind myself is that this life in the grand scheme of things is momentary. And the real focus should be what we have for eternity: our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.