Before Jesus Changed My Life
My story is likely very similar to others who were raised in a Christian home. I have loving parents who are committed to Christ and demonstrated the importance of being connected to a local church to grow in understanding of God and to serve him. We attended church every Sunday, went to Sunday school and youth group, and I also attended a Christian elementary school. All of this was foundational to my understanding of God’s authority of the universe, His perfect character, the presence of sin in the world, and Jesus as the path from the consequences of sin. Because I understood these things, I felt an expectation to live a moral life consistent with what’s called for in the Bible. None of that is bad, but I wasn’t living in gratitude – rather it was out of obligation.
How Jesus Changed My Life
There are two memorable events in my early twenties that changed my understanding of Jesus. The first occurred in college when some friends and I went to a presentation of “Hell’s Flames, Heaven’s Gates” which was a play designed to shock the viewer into wanting to choose heaven over hell. In hindsight, it feels that helping people to see the joy and peace of a relationship with God would be better than scaring them to avoid hell. However, the play did solidify something very important to me. It made me feel the magnitude of my sin and how that sin is a barrier to a life with God. The second, and most meaningful moment that changed my understanding of Jesus occurred as I met with Chuck, an elder at Peace Church. The meeting was in preparation for becoming a member there, and I remember discussing why I call myself a Christian. My responses were very much focused on living a moral life, but then Chuck asked me about grace. In that moment, it was clear to me that my only path to God is through the grace of Jesus and his sacrifice on the cross. My works don’t make me right with God – only faith in Jesus does. I later made a public profession of faith as I joined that church and I’m thankful for my eyes being opened to the saving work of the gospel.
My Life After Jesus Saved Me
My behavior after being saved wasn’t all that different than before in that I still tried to behave in a way consistent with the Bible, and I was still well connected to a church body. The big difference was in what drove me. It was no longer a sense of obligation but rather a response of gratitude for the gift I’d been given through Jesus’ death and resurrection. I’ve felt a greater desire to be open about Jesus and the hope that comes through knowing Him. As my faith has matured, I’ve also grown in a greater desire to praise God and have a deeper trust that he's in control for the good of those who love him. I’m confident in my salvation and have a life with Christ – now and forever – because I know he’s forgiven my sins and made me right with God. It’s not through my own doing, but all through Him!