Before Jesus Changed My Life
Before Jesus, I jumped from relationship to relationship, trying to fill an emptiness I didn't realize I had by being around people as much as possible and sacrificing my values to appease them. This left me constantly anxious, irritated, and seeking the approval of others.
How Jesus Changed My Life
My little brother had been coming to Veritas and Salt Co. for about a year and he began encouraging me to join Salt for the summer. After some convincing, the first time I went I left feeling like a breath of fresh air had been breathed into me. I saw for the first time that God had been working to bring me to Him. I then found that the more I went to Salt and read my Bible, the more I began seeing how God was working in my life, helping me notice people that I needed to be more distanced from, and putting decisions in front of me that would help me move away from idols I'd created and move toward Christ and the Church. This culminated in recognizing during a Salt sermon by Danny that I needed to pray to God to be saved and fully commit myself to Him, after the sermon we prayed, and I confessed that Jesus is Lord.
My Life After Jesus Saved Me
In being saved by Christ, my outlook and attitude towards life has changed dramatically. I don't get anxious anymore, because I know that God has a plan for me. Even when stressful things happen, my life is still on its path with Him. I have started being able to notice consistently when and where God has done things in my life, and joyfully thank Him for these gifts. I found that God had given me the strength to not need to please or be around people all the time, which has strengthened my relationships and given me a newfound comfort in my solitude, all because I know now that I can rely entirely on God for comfort through any problems.