Share Your Salvation Story

Sharing your story is important because it communicates what has happened to you - you’ve been brought from death to life by Jesus Christ! This isn’t about you - instead, your story points to God’s BIG story of redemption and restoration of a sinful, fallen world. The Apostle Peter writes this about the importance of a testimony

But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect.

In Acts 26, we see the Apostle Paul’s example of sharing the gospel through his story before King Agrippa. He spoke clearly about his life before his salvation, how Christ changed him, and what his life was like after his conversion. Our individual stories are powerful examples to non-believers because they are our personal stories of faith, how God has worked in our lives. Through telling our story, they should see hope in us, hope that is only found in Christ.

Once you are ready to begin, use the spaces in the form on the next page to write out your story clearly and concisely. Your story can be divided into three sections: before Jesus changed my life, how Jesus changed my life, and my life after Jesus saved me.

Begin Writing Story