
Baptism | Holly Boebel

December 3, 2023 |

Thanks be to God for the experiences that have led me closer and closer to Him, for the true surrender of my earthly desires for His eternal desires. Being active in Christian community has allowed me to see more of God’s will for my life and the specific things he is calling me to.

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Baptism | Mandy Bradford

December 3, 2023 |

My entire view of the world has changed by acknowledging that Jesus saved me. Changing how I view my life's purpose has changed what I long for. My anxiety has lessened, and my heart has softened. I no longer am looking for worldly materials to satisfy my needs.

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Baptism | Jenn Clark

December 3, 2023 |

When I'm feeling out of control, I know it's because I truly am out of control, and I pray to surrender in that moment to His control. I pray when I'm feeling lonely because I know He loves me. I know because of Jesus' love, I am saved from my sins, and I've been given more grace than I ever deserved.

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Baptism | Matt Cleveland

December 3, 2023 |

I didn’t do anything to earn or deserve this outrageous gift of grace - God has been so good and faithful to me.

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Baptism | Adalynne Girdner

December 3, 2023 |

I know that I can always pray and talk to Him when things are hard. I know that He will listen and give me wisdom. I know that He will always forgive me if I ask Him for forgiveness. This is something that will carry me throughout my life. I am saved by grace and will never forget the gift He gave us by dying on the cross for me.

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Baptism | Julie Hansen

December 3, 2023 |

I can look back and see God's impact on my life at every turn. I can see Him guiding me to where I am today. Whether it was the divorce I endured, the relocation to CR as a single parent, the friends he helped me choose, or the church that God used to bring my daughter to saving faith, which eventually brought me to Jesus. He has pursued me.

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Baptism | Denise Harriman

December 3, 2023 |

I am committed to church attendance and connection group. I read the Word daily and am working toward becoming a mature believer. Christ is alive and active in my life.

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Baptism | Ron Harriman

December 3, 2023 |

I know I don't "deserve" to be in heaven on my own accord, but only through faith and God's grace I will be in heaven someday. Jesus died on the cross because he loves me, and he took away the power of sin.

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Baptism | Matt Hess

December 3, 2023 |

Being saved by Jesus has changed my perspective on so many things. It has changed how I worship, read the Bible, pray, parent and treat others. It has changed my relationship with Jesus from a once-a-week visit to knowing He is with me wherever I go.

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Baptism | Laura Raught

December 3, 2023 |

He is the only real Father I have ever known, and I am so proud to be His daughter. I look forward to spending an eternity finding new ways to see His goodness. I pray that God will help me to show His love to others!

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