
Daniel Weems

December 3, 2023 |

After placing trust in Jesus, I have found that Jesus nourishes the void within me that nothing else could nourish. He provides me with true hope, joy, peace, and comfort through him, not me.

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Jordan Weems

December 3, 2023 |

Jesus met me when and where I needed him most; it wasn't me searching for Him, but Him searching for me. He sent someone into my life who pointed me to the gospel and to a bible study group comprised of women of faith.

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John Zielke

December 3, 2023 |

What I am looking forward to in Baptism is not only the public proclamation of my faith but a visual anchor of that moment in time, remembering what Christ has done for me.

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Zach Barden

December 3, 2023 |

Christ has made an amazing change in my life. Because of Him, I no longer need to prove myself to others and face the same confidence and identity issues. There is something amazing about living this life for God.

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Marissa Cline

December 3, 2023 |

Life right now is so sweet with Jesus. I feel so much fulfillment in him and no longer want to be the girl who is liked by everyone or wants to always be involved because God, the creator of the whole universe, loves me, so what more do I need? I no longer feel guilt over the sins of my past because Jesus died on the cross knowing I would do those things, and he did it because no matter what, his love for me is eternal.

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Tara Crosby

December 3, 2023 |

I now know that a relationship with God in my daily life has been patiently waiting for me. I was created in God’s perfect image, and my purpose in life is to know God and make Him known.

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Taylor Gingerich

December 3, 2023 |

Intellectually I knew Jesus and what he has done for me, but after attending SALT and Veritas, I have felt him in my heart and I’ve seen him working in my life! Going through this rough time in my life, I started turning to Jesus because I knew I couldn't continue without him.

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Carli Goddard

December 3, 2023 |

It is hard to fathom being saved by Jesus. Knowing that nothing I can accomplish or fail at will ever have an impact on the love He has for me or the coverage He offers over my soul is empowering. God reminds me that He is in control and that His plans for me will not change, even when it feels like the world is on my shoulders.

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Abbye Hendryx

December 3, 2023 |

Life after being saved by Jesus is the greatest feeling I will ever experience. Christ met me at my low and helped me see again. It was almost as if the fog in my life had cleared up, and I could clearly see the purpose of living my life for Jesus.

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Loren Hungate

December 3, 2023 |

Now that I have Jesus, my satisfaction and worth are unwavering and eternal. I do not have to seek the approval of others in order to be loved because Jesus demonstrated His love for me by dying on the cross. I don't search for happiness in temporary circumstances because Jesus offers eternal joy. I no longer have to try to be the prettiest or the funniest person in the room in order to be liked because my Heavenly Father created me intentionally and loved me when I was His enemy.

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