
Raise Up Mature Disciples

August 15, 2021

What is our Mission? How are we going to accomplish it?

August 23, 2020

Why Membership?

August 9, 2020


May 24, 2020

Bible Reading

January 14, 2018


Books to Read

January 16, 2023 | Matt Hoffert

We live in a time in which we have access to so much great content from godly authors, living and also from those who have long since gone to be with the Lord. I think there is a pretty good chance God could use one or more of these [books] to mold and shape you.

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What does the Bible say about Divorce and Remarriage?

June 1, 2021 | Matthew Morken

Statistical data about divorce is difficult to study. So many couples, infatuated with each other and excited take the plunge into marriage, do so with little or no preparation for what is to come. Even those of us who are called Christians statistically seem to have the exact same issue as our society has when it comes to divorce. In order to discuss divorce well, we need to understand what marriage is.

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The Importance of Discernment

March 15, 2021 | Michael Rhodes

“Come, Lord Jesus!” That’s not only the final cry of John in Revelation 22:20, but it’s the cry of so many Christians as they encounter the brokenness of the world on a daily basis. If we could be with Jesus more quickly, everything would be better. Until that happens, this life is one that must be lived by faith.

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The Bible: Reliable and Authoritative

January 18, 2021 | Jeff Meyer

When you hear the word “Bible”, what are some things that come to your mind? Maybe “God’s word”, “true”, “reliable”? Maybe “difficult”, “confusing”, “hard to understand” are closer? In reality, the Bible is God’s word. It is true. It is reliable.

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A Call to Fight for Biblical Literacy

November 9, 2020 | Jake Each

One of the biggest challenges in ministry today is the reality that TV, social media, and the news are discipling people faster and more effectively than the church. What we determine to be true, what shapes our worldview, and what stirs up our emotions seem to be social media feeds, the latest headlines, and Netfix shows more than Scripture. How do you compete when hours upon hours are given to screens full of worldly information fed to us in addictive ways, and perhaps only mere minutes are given to those thin pages containing the life transforming truth of God?

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Parents, You Can't Do It, But God Can

October 26, 2020 | Michael Rhodes

Whether you’re dealing with a newborn not sleeping, a teenager wanting to become his or her own individual, or anything else in between, we all can admit that PARENTING IS HARD. That difficulty can often create feelings of inadequacy and inability.

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Gospel Reflections After 19 Years of Marriage

September 28, 2020 | Matthew Morken

Sharon and I have been married 19 years and 4 months. To say that it has been all full of bliss would be a lie. In fact, like many of you, we have learned through our brokenness what love truly is and ultimately what marriage truly is. These are a few things I have learned.

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The Six Essential Elements of Discipleship

September 14, 2020 | Nate Kaloupek

As a church, we’ve recently let you know about our mission and vision, putting language and clarity to what we’ve always wanted to do as a local body of believers. In order to help us accomplish the mission of “Raise up mature disciples. Send out everyday missionaries. Glorify God.”, we've identified six essential elements of discipleship, things we as a church want to do to help shape a people to be mature disciples and everyday missionaries. We're not saying these are the only things a disciple does. Different churches might put a different emphasis or spin on them. We want to let you know what we mean when talk about developing disciples here at Veritas Church.

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Christian Lament

July 13, 2020 | Jake Each

In the next three weeks I would like to take some time to address some issues that have been on my heart in a practical pastoral way - Lament, the Church and Unity, and the Christian and Unity. How do we understand and practice Lament? How should the Church be working towards unity? And what are some things the individual Christian can be doing to help foster unity? For today, let’s talk a bit about the practice of lament.

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Jehovah Jireh, the Lord is My Provision

April 20, 2020 | Michael Rhodes

As a kid, some of my favorite memories are when my mom would come home from a massive grocery store run. I hated bringing all the groceries in and helping put them in their proper places, but I loved the new bounty of goodness that would soon fill my belly! I doubt I ever thanked God for that provision.

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Jehovah Shalom, the Lord is Peace

April 6, 2020 | Matthew Morken

Jehovah Shalom means “the Lord is peace.” We first see this name for God appear in Judges chapter 6.

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Why Do We Read God's Word?

January 6, 2020 | Garrett Hufford

We often come to January with the best of intentions. As Christ-followers, we are poised and ready to shed off our shortcomings from the previous year and begin again with a new devotion and energy towards our Bible reading and time with the Lord. So often our ability to follow through on this seems to fall flat as school gets back in session and life kicks into full swing.

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Bible Reading Plan

December 27, 2019 | Jake Each

In the coming weeks, we will be taking a close look at Psalm 119 as a church. It is the longest of all the psalms, and it is all about the preciousness and importance of God’s Word. The purpose and goal of looking at this psalm at the beginning of a brand new year is to stir up our desire and devotion to God’s Word in our personal lives.

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Culture of Gratitude

November 25, 2019 | Ian Crosby

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and maybe you’ve noticed, as I have, that around the holidays, people tend to be a lot more thankful. We hear people being thankful for their jobs, their family, their home, their friends, and a bunch of other really good things the Lord has given them. It’s great to be thankful for those things and Thanksgiving is a great time to display your thankfulness.

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Baptisms | A Live Documentary About a Victorious Hero

November 11, 2019 | Michael Rhodes

We have had the privilege of regularly watching live ‘documentaries’ about a triumphant hero who is victorious over death and brings others into new life with him. Those live films are called baptisms. They are real stories of crossing over from death to life. They are real people who want others to know about the victory they have experienced in Jesus.

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From Marital Miss Toward Marital Bliss

October 28, 2019 | Matthew Morken

I look back and am amazed at how easily I can forgive someone outside my home yet, within my marriage, I will cling to my anger and hurt. I don’t want to process it in a healthy, forgiving way in an effort to bring my own wrath and punishment down. However, we have been given...

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Parent Commissioning

September 23, 2019 | Matthew Morken

The more we study the Scriptures, the more we realize how much God has given us. Considering the extreme wrath we should face as the penalty for our sins, the fact that He gives us anything is an awesome kindness. We deserve hell. But God, in His grace and mercy, has given us a wealth of gifts.

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Finding the Lost

June 25, 2019 | Richard Marsceau

So my question to those of us who have been lost but have been found by Jesus is this: are you participating in the mission of God? Does the Great Commission drive your priorities? Are you pursuing sinners? Are you spending time with sinners? Are you full of love and compassion for all, the marginalized and powerful alike?

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Discipleship in the Summer

June 3, 2019 | Matthew Morken

In this podcast, Matthew Morken, Randyl LaMaack and Steve Schoepf sit down and discuss the importance of discipleship in the summer along with some different ways it might look. We throw in a couple ideas for you and your family as well.

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Resource Center Books

May 13, 2019 | Ian Crosby

A few months ago I noticed a leader going through a book in the Resource Center with a student. They both bought the book and met up to discuss their thoughts on it and what the Bible said about what they were reading. It was such an easy way for them to both grow in relationship with each other while also gaining more knowledge and understanding on a difficult topic. I think that’s such a good example of what our Resource Center is here for. The Resource Center is meant to provide you with an opportunity to grow in understanding of different topics and encourage you to grow with others.

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Contribute | Money

April 1, 2019 | Michael Rhodes

Money…a word that has the ability to bring more emotions with it than a sports team, a relationship, or a middle schooler. Happiness, sadness, anger, guilt, shame, resentment, jealousy, envy, frustration, and more can creep into our emotional state when that word is used. Want to see those emotions increase to an even crazier state? Mention the word money in a church setting and there’s not even an emotional comparison.

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Contribute | Church

March 19, 2019 | Matthew Morken

This is one of the best things about Christian faith. Our Leader served us and provided an example to us on how to live. He didn’t sit on his throne and demand that creation to do his work, though he could have. With all of these examples of service/contribution in Christ, why don’t we serve/contribute?

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Master the Restart

February 25, 2019 | Randyl LaMaack

I start a lot of books that I never finish. I start a lot of projects that I never complete. I start a lot of to-do lists that I never accomplish. And, when I come to the realization that I’ve once again started something that I do not have the time, resources or motivation to finish, I become defeated. So disappointed and overwhelmed that I completely give up, throwing in the towel and moving on with life without the growth or change that I initially hoped I would encounter. To those of you like me who, at the end of February, have long since abandoned the goals or resolutions you made on January 1st, here is some advice someone once gave to me that I would like to pass along.

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Why We Sing

February 11, 2019 | Jake Each

I can’t sing, but yet as a follower of God I am commanded to sing (Col. 3:16). But deeper than that there are times, as I reflect on the gospel, that I am compelled to sing. It can seem like a weird response, but you just want to communicate how awesome God is and how thankful you are to him, and singing is a way to do that.

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Surviving the Winter Blues

January 14, 2019 | Matthew Morken

In this podcast Matthew Morken, Randyl LaMaack and Steve Schoepf discuss this battle that many of us face. We don’t have all the answers but we discuss priorities, preparing one’s heart and even exercise!

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Resource Center Books

January 7, 2019 | Nate Kaloupek

Reading is an incredible way to enter new worlds, new experiences, new perspectives, and new ideas. As we encounter all this “new,” we sift and discern what we need to put into practice.

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Financially Surviving the Holidays

December 3, 2018 | Jake Each

Jesus talked about money, a lot. But around this time of year it can seem like we don’t want to talk about money we just want to spend it. In fact today we don’t even have to have it to spend it, we can charge it. So loosen up, it’s the holidays! We can talk about money after the new year. That’s when we’ll set a budget and get our finances under control. Right? Wrong!

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Baptism - What and Why

October 30, 2018 | Matthew Morken

This is what I proclaim to my family, my friends, the Church and the world in baptism. I have been crucified with Christ and have been raised again in newness of life (Romans 6:3-9). The act of baptism doesn’t actually wash away sins but is an act of obedience and testimony proclaiming the work completed by the Lord of my life, King Jesus.

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Discipleship in Everything

October 23, 2018 | Ian Crosby

Make disciples who shape our community. That sentence is our mission. That sentence is our goal. That sentence is what drives us as a church. And that sentence is what should drive us as individuals.

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Being a Good Connection Group Member

October 8, 2018 | Randyl LaMaack

One of our core values (or three C’s) here at Veritas is Connect. If you’ve been around for a little while, hopefully you’ve caught on to the vision and emphasis we put on Connection Groups as our main way of connecting and living in community.

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How Boomers Can Bless the Next Generation

September 24, 2018 | Nate Kaloupek

Part of our vision at Veritas is to be a church that loves, reaches, and equips the next generation to carry on the hope of the gospel. Anyone who is around Veritas for long can see it in the way we worship, the ministries we run, and the way we spend our resources.

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Resource Center Books

September 10, 2018 | Jenny Spahr

The Resource Center located by Info Central is stocked with books that we want the people of Veritas to have easy access to. The leadership team has carefully handpicked each round of books that they believe will be a timely help for our growth in our walks with God.

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The Christian and Conflict

December 13, 2021

Michael Rhodes and Mark Arant join Jake Each this week to discuss how Christians should handle conflict. For some this time of the year may bring up family tensions, for others circumstances of this past year may have caused divisions, and there may be a few of you that are guilty of getting drawn into foolish arguments more often than not. We need to pause and be reminded of what the Word says about conflict. Our identity in Christ demands we respond to or proactively address conflict in a unique way. Listen in for some practical wisdom and steps you may need to start implementing in how you deal with conflict for God's glory.

Disciple Making

September 20, 2021

Are we lacking clarity or overcomplicating disciple making? Jake, Garrett, and Michael talk about what disciple making is and give us some practical advice on how to grow in the main calling of our life on mission for Jesus. Find out about the components of disciple making, the difference between disciple making and Bible study, how to become a disciple maker, and what we are doing as a church to help our people become better disciple makers.

Summer, BBQ, and the Art of Rest

July 13, 2021

It's not a secret that our calendars fill up quickly and it can be hard to balance all of the things we want to do. Jake, Nathan, and Matthew let us in on their summer plans and preferences for BBQ. The guys discuss these topics along with the unique way we are called to rest as followers of Jesus.

Preparing for the New Year

December 30, 2020

Do you remember last January? It was at least 5 years ago! As you prepared for 2020 did you have any indications in your mind how the year would go? In this episode Nathan shares more of a devotional thought and encouragement as we jump into a new mysterious year.