Avalynn Morse

Avalynn Morse

April 28, 2024 |

What was life like before you met Jesus?

Before I came to know Jesus, I was very prideful. I grew up agnostic because it was what my dad taught me, and I actively rejected even the idea of God. I judged those who believed in Him and His promises as foolish, and I told myself that I'd never fall for that. I had too much pride to consider that I may be wrong or that I was controlled by anything other than myself.

How did you meet Jesus?

I was going through a very bad depression, partially caused by poor circumstances and partially caused by my own poor decisions. In a moment of deep hopelessness, I humbled myself and reached out to a God I wasn't sure even existed, and He responded. I had rejected Him my whole life, and I had not a single thing to offer Him, yet He drew near to me when I finally let Him in. I finally felt a sense of peace in Jesus that I had been searching for and hadn't been able to find on my own.

After being saved by Jesus, what is your life like now?

I still struggle with pride sometimes, and that has led me to struggle with truly accepting Him into my heart. But He continues to show me how great He is, and He has taught me the humility needed to trust Him as my savior. He healed my broken heart and has shown me how to be a kinder person to myself and others. My identity is in Jesus, and His finished work, and I could never find good enough words to thank Him for finding me when I needed Him most.