Drew Wiley

Drew Wiley

November 14, 2024 |

What was life like before you met Jesus?

Before I placed my faith in Jesus my life revolved around myself. I called myself a Christian, as I had been raised in the church and never really doubted that God existed, but I did not fully trust in Christ. I relied on myself and the approval of others to find self-worth. I often felt like I didn't really fit in with those around me, especially when I went to college. I struggled with purpose and direction in my life. I often felt anxious and struggled to make decisions.

How did you meet Jesus?

College was the first place that I really encountered people my age who were true Christians and I immediately noticed that their lives, rooted in belief, looked a lot different than mine. We behaved similarly but they had a personal foundation that was not dependent on anyone other than Jesus. These encounters really began to open my eyes to what wasn't working in my life. The second semester of my freshman year I was challenged by a Campus Outreach Pastor who I had developed a good relationship with. He pushed me to commit myself to Christ while having lunch together. While it didn't happen immediately, that conversation stuck with me and started me down a path that led to knowing and loving Christ. It became clear to me that faith and a relationship with Jesus is the only path to purpose. It was also helpful at the same time that my now wife, then girlfriend, was starting her faith journey as well. This really allowed us to learn and grow together, and push each other.

After being saved by Jesus, what is your life like now?

My life has looked much different in the years following placing my faith in Jesus. He has placed a desire in my heart to better know him and has strengthened me as a person. I no longer look to worldly authorities for validation, knowing that I belong to Christ. Jesus has provided a tremendous amount of stability in my life. He has helped ground me and helped me understand that my life is not about me. Jesus has also made me a much more grateful person—there is nothing more humbling than knowing that he died for my sins. As mentioned above, the good news of the gospel has given my life ultimate meaning in the pursuit of Jesus Christ. From a practical perspective, getting into the Word, serving in the church, and being involved in a Connection Group are things that would not have happened before I trusted in the gospel. I also have found a deep disdain for my sins since coming to know Christ. Lastly, Jesus has changed how I interact with the people around me. I am so much more confident and comfortable talking to friends and family about the gospel than I ever was before.