
Dale Nearad

December 3, 2023 |

My life has not been the same, but rather in a great way. Jesus gave me a firm sense of belonging and true happiness.

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Bill Albers

August 27, 2023 |

By grace, through faith, I have been saved. Now, in the last 10 years, I am listening and Jesus is growing me.

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Jeanie Albers

August 27, 2023 |

As I went along in life, I tried to feel loved in many different ways that were never fully satisfying. I chased after being liked, being a leader, recognition, success, materialistic things, positive thinking, and the prosperity gospel. Nothing could fill the void no matter how hard I worked.

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Collin Forst

August 27, 2023 |

After being saved, I’ve seen the eternal goodness of Jesus and am continually reminded of just how good he is. Not only as the ultimate provider and savior but his glory and greatness has given me perspective, peace, and more sustainable joy

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Mikayla Fritz

August 27, 2023 |

It was not until this summer when I took Gospel 101 at Veritas, that I began to realize how present God was in my life. I realized that He was not just a distant character in a story, but the savior of my life who sent His one and only son, Jesus Christ, Our Lord, to die on the cross for his accusers to put death to our sins.

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Rylee Goodfellow

August 27, 2023 |

After being saved by Jesus, I now experience an indestructible joy that nothing else will ever measure up to. His joy is overflowing in me, and God has given me the boldness to share my faith with my roommates, teammates, and others on my college campus.

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Sarah Meester

August 27, 2023 |

Christ has softened my heart and helped me to focus on him and his glory versus focusing on myself. Focusing on eternal life has helped me to be less anxious. Knowing that God's plan is the ultimate plan and he will not lead me astray. He knows what I need and will provide always. Jesus died for me.

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Steven Meester

August 27, 2023 |

My worldview has changed: I used to think that Truth, Goodness, and Beauty could be found in the world apart from God. Now I understand that these Transcendentals are part of God.

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Brandi Meyer

August 27, 2023 |

I can testify that there can be joy in the Lord even in the midst of struggles. When I put trust in Him, I do not face these things alone. I am so thankful that He has been by my side! He has sent me comfort and encouragement through prayer, through His Word and through His people.

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Greg Smith

August 27, 2023 |

I know that in spite of the struggles of everyday life, Jesus is the foundation that gives joy to the great things in life and carries me through the challenges.

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